Thursday, February 4, 2010

Street Price For Bars When The Brits Say "high Street," What Does It Mean?

When the Brits say "high street," what does it mean? - street price for bars

Here's an example: The Advertising Standards Authority has demonstrated how the airport operator BAA has a large number of passengers in their promotional material, which tricked the prices of products in the bars and shops of the airport terminal was compared in the street.


sannapar... said...

sea_sher wrong is the person above me is right

"Street" can also be used as an adjective - as in the way of the main road. In this case, the mainstream media, normal, well, boring.

sea_sher said...

I would say is the rich part of town, the shopping before.

* Note .. Sorry, that's why I said: "I believe".

Lindy said...

This means that the main road.

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